27 November 2008

100 Things...

100 Things I am Thankful for...

1. Jesus
2. Family
3. Friends
4. My wonderful church & pastors & youth group
5. My other wonderful church (TRB)
6. My home
7. My camera
8. The beautiful things God gives me to photograph
9. Bethel
10. Facebook
11. The fact that I live in America
12. Music
13. Psalm 27:9 (I love that verse)
14. Fall
15. My Dog, cats, fish, & crabs (that kind of falls under family...)
16. Turkey. :D
17. A warm bed to sleep in
18. Good health
19. The freedom to be a Christian
20. How beautiful frost looks in the morning
21. Hot showers
22. Target
23. God listening to my every prayer
24. Sunsets
25. Laughter
26. Green tea
27. Plentiful food
28. Love
29. The smell of fresh rosemary
30. Good books to read
31. Sprinklers :)
32. The freedom to go to school (kind of... hehe)
33. Happy memories
34. Sarah Palin
35. Rush Limbaugh
36. Flipwear (Flipflops)
37. The 14 years I have had in life so far
38. God keeping me safe throughout life
39. Pineapple
40. Forgiveness
41. Silliness
42. Harry Potter
43. The *current* low gas prices
44. Computers
45. Cell phones
46. Rain
47. Squirrels
48. Jeans
49. The SC weather
50. The sound crickets make at night
51. The death of shag carpet
52. The life I have ahead of me
53. Sleep
54. Tylenol
55. Coffee... and Starbucks
56. Random nice people
57. Xander's health
58. My quiet life
59. The ability to see in color
60. Creed
61. Running water
62. Air conditioning
63. Paper towels. haha
64. Summer
65. The fact that I am a morning person
66. Independence
67. The mountains
68. Homschool
69. Green peppers
70. Trees
71. The ability to hear beautiful sounds
72. Zaxbie's
73. The ability to talk
74. Days with nothing to do
75. The stars
76. The promise of eternal life
77. Peace
78. The color blue
79. Flannel sheets
80. Literacy
81. People to love
82. Originality
83. Air
84. Cold weather
85. Prayer
86. Medical technology
87. God providing
88. The freedom to explore the world
89. Blinds
90. Hawk nelson
91. The bass
92. Healing
93. Creativity
94. The ability to dream
95. People who love me
96. Patience
97. People who listen
98. Joy
99. The ocean
100. Post-it notes

25 November 2008

Getting or Giving?

Thanksgiving isn't even here yet and I am already being pestered for my Christmas list. Wow.
Don't get me wrong, I love that my friends and family want to get me something nice for Christmas, it means a lot to me. But there's not really anything I want! That's the problem. I mean, sure, it'd be nice to have some things, but I can live without them at the same time. Really, I'd be perfectly content just being able to be with my whole family, extended and immediate, over the holidays.
My point in saying all this is, haven't we gotten a little too focused on the getting side of things (Don't deny it... Everyone loves presents! :D ) to fully enjoy the giving part? I feel like the giving is really the best part of Christmas.
There are some really amazing ways to get involved with giving this season. One of my favorite organizations is called Operation Christmas Child, where you fill up a shoebox with little toys and things for kids that probably wouldn't get a Christmas gift otherwise, and send it to one of their drop-off locations, where they process the box and ship it to a child.
And there are tons of other organizations like this, just get on google and I'm sure you'll find some. Most are inexpensive and easy to participate in as well.
No excuses, people! Money may be tight, but you can find a way. You can live without that huge Christmas wreath (complete with plastic velevet-covered birds), or that giant plastic frosty you've had your eye on. (Ahh yes, your secret is out... I know you want that Frosty, no matter how tacky he is!!)

22 November 2008

Crazy? Messed up? Yes.

I have now officially returned to the world of blogging. YIPPIDEEDA!
There's probably no one out there that remembers me, though, so I'll start from the beginning.
I'm a southern freshmen (freshman? There's only one of me. actually, FreshWOMAN if we're getting technical here.) who loves playing the guitar and snapping artsy photos of anything and everything. I am slightly OCD, and ADD, although I believe ADD has become a common label for someone who just likes to stop enjoy the little things in life.
oh, and I like to eat raw green peppers. Just a random fact about me you should know.
So, now that we've got the introductions out of the way... I thought I'd share about something I've been pondering in my tiny brain today. You know those avatars that say "I love this crazy, tragic, sometimes almost magic awful beautiful life"? I think there is something to be learned from those. Maybe, if we thought more about how wonderful life is, it wouldn't seem so tragic and messed up. I know there's some really awful things that can and are happening right this second in the world, but there are so many FABULOUS things happening too. I dunno. I just think that if people opened their eyes a bit and thought about something other than everything they don't like about life, they'd see the happy bits of life a lot clearer.
anyway. There's my little soapbox for today.
By the way, Happy Saturday everyone! I'm in awe that Thanksgiving is in only five days. It kind of snuck up on me. But that's what happens to me every year, it seems like. I just start getting used to it not being summer any longer, and BAM! Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year's hit me before I even realize what happened, and before I know it they're back again. AAH!